In preparation for the face-to-face classes in all public schools in the country, below are the sample ready-made weekly learning plans that you can download for free. These WLPs are still subject to improvement depending on your teaching-learning preferences as long as they are aligned to the most essential learning competencies (MELCs).
As per DepEd Order No. 17, s. 2022 or the Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Classes, Weekly Learning Plan is an outline of home-based activities and classroom-based activities that guides both teachers and learners in the attainment of instructional objectives/Most Essential Leaming Competencies during the limited face-to-face classes. It is a simplified instructional plan that combines the Weekly Home Leaming Plan and the Daily Lesson Log Plan.
This file is intended for GRADE 4, Quarter 1 - WEEK 1.
The file below is created to help our fellow teachers prepare for their limited face-to-face classes. Republishing or selling this file is highly prohibited.
GRADE 4 WLP (Q1: WEEK 1) SY 2022-2023 All Subjects - Free Download
Reviewed by DepEd Click
August 14, 2022

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